Construction Material Testing Services Include:
Air Dry Density of Concrete
Cohesion / Adhesion Test
Concrete Compression Test
Concrete Core Thickness
Concrete Shrinkage
Core Compression Test
Fireproofing Density Test
Flexural Beams
Grout Compressive Strength
Masonry Unit Absorption
Masonry Compression Test
Moisture Emission Test
Mortar Compressive Strength
Shotcrete Compression Test
Unit Weight & Yield
Voids & Density of Hardened Concrete
MTC's laboratories are managed by WABO certified laboratory supervisors. Our laboratories provide you with quick and accurate data, handling a wide-array of construction materials including those used for geotechnical and environmental engineering analysis, earthwork construction and asphalt paving, concrete, shotcrete and masonry construction and for safety measures including fire-proof materials.
Materials Testing
Soil & Aggregate Laboratory Services Include:
%Passing #200 Sieve
#200 Sieve
Accelerated Weathering
Asphalt Extraction with Gradation
Asphalt Thickness
Atterberg Limits (1 & 3 Points)
Asphalt Core Density
California Bearing Ratio
Durability / Degradation Value
Fracture Percentage
Hydrometer with Sieve Analysis
In Field Infiltration Rate
Marshall Stability & Flow
Moisture Density Relationship (Proctor)
Natural Moisture Content
Organic Content (Loss by Ignition)
Rice Density
Sand Equivalent
Sieve Analysis
Specific Gravity of Coarse / Fine Aggregate
Uncompacted Void Content
*Other services not listed. Contact MTC for more information*